Leaf pick-up for the City of Portage is scheduled to begin Monday October 25, 2010. Leaves are scheduled to be picked up on the same day as trash/recycling for city residents. During the heaviest leaf pickup weeks, there may be a need to push some...
City of Portage
Mayor Presents Summit to Raise Safety Awareness in the Portage Community
Mayor Olga G. Valzquez presents the Public Safety Summit 2010, to be held Tuesday, September 21 from 6:30-8:30 pm in the Portage High School West Auditorium. Featured speakers include Mayor Olga G. Velazquez, Portage Police Chief Mark Becker,...
Central Avenue Reconstruction Public Information Meeting
The City of Portage is hosting a public informational meeting on the Central Avenue Reconstruction project, from Hamstrom Road to Scott Street. The meeting will be held Thursday, September 9, 2010, at 5:30 pm at St. Peter's Lutheran Church, located...
Join The City in Welcoming the New Parks & Recreation Superintendent!
Join us in welcoming Mr. Chris Johnson, Portage Parks & Recreation Superintendent! A reception for Mr. Chris Johnson will immediately follow the 5:00 pm Mayor's Night Out Public Meeting on Wednesday, August 11, 2010. Meet and Greet will begin at...
Portage Perch Fest and Gran Prix Festival Presents 1st Annual Dance Team Contest
On Friday, August 13 at 8:00pm in the Family Entertainment Tent at Founders’ Square Park, the Portage First Fest will host its first ever Team Dance Competition! All styles of dance will compete for one grand prize. Amateur dancers between the ages...
Portage Perch Fest Annual Perch Cook-Off Contest
Join us on Saturday, August 14, 2010 at the Perch Fest Family Entertainment Tent at 7:00pm for the Portage Perch Fest Annual Perch Cook-Off Contest! Capture the Traveling Tropy awarded to the judges choice representing the “Best Tasting Seafood...
Find Petey the Perch Citywide Contest
The Portage Perch Fest is excited to announce the Find Petey the Perch Citywide Contest in Portage. The contest, which will run from July 15 to August 13, will encourage residents to visit Portage business so they can find Petey the Perch! The Petey...
Central Ave Reconstruction Project Informational Meeting
Mayor Olga Velazquez, Portage City Council, and Portage Utility Service Board welcomes you to a public information meeting about the Central Avenue Reconstruction from County Line Road to Willowcreek Road. The meeting will be held at the Willowcreek...
Stone Avenue Construction Update
The City of Portage recognizes the flooding and stormwater challenges that residents of Southwest Portage have experienced. In 2009, the City instituted a Stormwater Utility Fee, which created a dedicated funding source for managing and treating...
Parade Your Pet Through Portage
Proudly parade your pet through the streets of Portage at the Portage Pet Parade on May 15 at 2 pm! The parade starts at Portage City Hall and ends at Founders' Square Park. There will also be the Cutest Pet contest, along with other competitions....