Methodist Hospitals Golf Outing 2023

Methodist among best in the nation at serving its patients and community, according to Lown Institute Methodist Hospitals has been recognized by a non-partisan health care think tank for outstanding social responsibility, receiving an “A” grade...
To safeguard your cardiovascular health, you should know your heart and vascular disease risks and then work hard to minimize them. It's important to identify and manage those risks as early as possible to prevent heart attack, stroke and other heart...
Methodist Hospitals’ CareFirst Immediate Care Centers have come in at number two in Northwest Indiana in two separate reader polls this year. Being a leader in the immediate care space is no small feat and takes a wide array of capabilities to...
“Over the more than 10 years of my medical practice, my goal has been to improve and maintain the overall health of my patients, and to empower them by helping them to fully understand their conditions and wellness plans.” Areas of Expertise: All...
The Methodist Hospitals Foundation is pleased to announce that Mr. Earvin “Magic” Johnson will appear at the hospitals’ 100th Anniversary Gala to be held Saturday, June 17 at the Hard Rock Casino Northern Indiana in Gary. “We are gratified...
Rain or shine, the Region always has something up its sleeve to keep residents entertained. From live music to moving dramas to just being outside with people you love, there’s plenty happening for you to have a good time this weekend. Take a look...
On Wednesday, March 29, Methodist Hospitals Foundation announced that it has received a $100,000 donation from U.S. Steel Gary Works in honor of Methodist Hospitals’ 100 years of service. The announcement was made at a press conference held at...