St. Peter Lutheran Church (LCMS) in Portage, Indiana, joyfully announces that Mario Samaniego has joined their Music Department as Assistant Music Director. He plays keyboards, bass, electric and acoustic guitar, drums and also sings. Samaniego grew...
St. Peter Lutheran Church
Members of St. Peter Lutheran Church Prepare the Church for Fall 2015
Several members of St. Peter Lutheran Church (Missouri Synod) in Portage have given of their time and talents to beautify the inside and outside of the church for Fall. After putting in some new plants along the south side of the building, they were...
St. Peter Lutheran Church Prayer Shawl and Lap Robe Ministry of 2015
For several years, the members of St. Peter Lutheran Church have been involved in a ministry that spreads God’s warmth and love in a very tangible way. Talented people create prayer shawls and lap robes to be given to those in need of a healing...
Ladies Guild/Lutheran Women’s Missionary League Make, Donate Pillows to Area Hospitals
A simple bean-shaped pillow has brought comfort to hundreds of post-operative mastectomy patients, thanks to the efforts of the members of St. Peter Lutheran Church. The Ladies Guild/Lutheran Women’s Missionary League members make the majority of...
St Peter Lutheran Church Invites Children to Weird Animals: Where Jesus’ Love Is One-of-a-Kind
A summer kids’ event called Weird Animals VBS will be hosted at St. Peter Lutheran Church from June 23 to June 27. At Weird Animals, kids will learn about some of God’s most creative creations! They’ll participate in memorable Bible-learning...
Join St. Peter Lutheran Church for their 2014 Rummage Sale
Head on over to St. Peter Lutheran Church Thursday, May 1, through Saturday, May 3, for some great buys and great food. St. Peter, located at 6540 Central Ave, Portage, will be open to savvy shoppers from 9 - 4 on Thursday and Friday and from 9 - 2...
St. Peter Lutheran Church to Host Valparaiso Zone Lutheran Women’s Missionary League Spring Rally on April 8, 2014
St. Peter Lutheran Church, 6540 Central Ave, Portage, will host the Valparaiso Zone Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML) Spring Rally on Tuesday evening, April 8. The registration of $4.00 begins at 6:30 p.m. Monique C. Nunes, will be the...
Weekly Series on Modern Issues
Have you ever wondered what God might have to say about such modern issues might as War, Sex, Politics, Mercy Killing and Racism? Two Portage ministers, Pastor Tim Engel of Holy Cross Lutheran Church and Pastor Fred Hoover of St. Peter Lutheran...
Free Christian Concert and Chili Cook-off
Everyone is invited to St. Peter Lutheran Church, 6540 Central Avenue in Portage, for a FREE Chili Cook-Off and Concert by Don Wharton on Saturday, October 26, beginning at 5 p.m. The evening will begin with the cook-off in which cooks from St. Peter...
Dream for Kenya Native Comes True
With a dream to better herself and the girls of her community, Mercy Chepkoech Ngetich dedicated herself to excel in education. The eldest of three children of subsistence farmers in rural Olengururone, Kenya, Ngetich studied hard and achieved high...