Born the eldest of three children of subsistence farmers in rural Olengururone, Kenya, Mercy Chepkoech Ngetich might not have expected much out of life. After all, life is often unkind to people of small means. Besides the farming, her father works...
St. Peter Lutheran Church
Come out to St. Peter for Trunk or Treat!
St. Peter Lutheran Church, 6540 Central Ave., Portage, is sponsoring a Trunk or Treat event from 4 - 6 p.m. on Sunday, October 28. Children can enjoy a safe and fun experience, trick or treating from the trunks of designated cars in the church's...
Super Bowl Wing Sale at St. Peter Lutheran
Need some wings for your Super Bowl party? Stop by St. Peter Lutheran Church on Sunday, February 5, 2012, for wings, only $5 a dozen! Three different types are available: Buffalo, BBQ, and Garlic Parmesan. Pick up times are noon to 5 pm. St. Peter...