Featured image: A portion of the workers posing after the 4,000 bags that will feed 24,000 people in Ukraine are loaded and headed for the Midwest Mission Distribution Center and ultimately to New York for shipment overseas More than 125 members of...
First United Methodist Church
Family to Family Support Group
Family Support Group for loved ones of people with mental illness. Open to the public. Third Wednesday at 6:30-8:00 p.m.
VetRock Concert
On Friday, August 23, First United Methodist Church is bringing the VetRock concert back to Crown Point on the church’s front lawn. The classic rock concert will begin at 6 pm, featuring two of the Region’s most popular rock bands. Invite...
Royal Family Car Show Sees Great Turnout
From Steve Massow- RFKC car show organizer: "We had over 30 cars register for the show this year at the Portage First United Methodist church parking lot last Saturday. What a great day it turned out to be once the threat of rain went away." "When we...
Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage
Portage 1st will be offering a 4-week small group study centered around Mark Gungor’s “Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage.” This 4-week study is designed for: Married couples Struggling couples Engaged couples Singles seeking a spouse for life...
The Hunt Is On…
Grab your Easter baskets and join us on the “Great Easter Egg” hunt! Portage 1st United Methodist will be having an Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, March 16th at 4:30 PM. The Easter Egg Hunt will take place at Crossroads (which is located just south...
Take the Date Night Challenge with Portage Methodist!
Friday, March 15th is “Date Night,” and we at Portage 1st United Methodist Church want you and your spouse or significant other to join other couples for a night of food, fun, music, laughter and tips to help strengthen your relationship and...
The Way: Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus
Portage 1st United Methodist invites you and your family and friends to join us this Lenten season as we "travel" to the Holy Land and explore the ministry of Jesus. What was his message about? Who did he reach out to? What does it mean for us? As we...
Portage First United Methodist Christmas Candlelight Services
Come and worship, come and worship—worship Christ the newborn King! This Christmas season, Portage 1st United Methodist will be having 3 Christmas Candlelight Services celebrating the birth of Jesus. The first Christmas Candlelight service is...
Cruise In for Kremke a Success
It was a great turn out on Saturday Aug. 4th of show cars, trucks and visitors despite the warm temperatures at the Portage 1st United Methodist Church for the Cruise In for Kremke car show. First of all, we want to thank all of the donors who gave...