
Porter County Officials Release “Let’s Talk Taxes” Meeting Schedule

Porter County Officials Release “Let’s Talk Taxes” Meeting Schedule Porter County Auditor Bob Wichlinski, Assessor Jon Snyder, and Treasurer Mike Bucko released the schedule of their “Let's Talk Taxes” Town Hall Meetings which will be hosted at schools throughout Porter County in the coming weeks. The meetings...

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Funeral Plans Announced for U.S Army SPC. James Butz

Funeral Plans Announced for U.S Army SPC. James Butz Funeral arrangements have been set for U.S. Army SPC James Butz of Porter Indiana. Jim was killed September 28th in Afghanistan while rushing to provide medical assistance to fellow service men that had been wounded. Jim’s body will be returning...

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Visclosky Announces Federal Grants to Portage and Cedar Lake Police Departments

Visclosky Announces Federal Grants to Portage and Cedar Lake Police Departments Today, Congressman Pete Visclosky announced that the Portage and Cedar Lake Police Departments will each receive grants through the U.S. Department of Justice’s Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) Hiring program. The COPS Hiring...

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Bridges Out of Poverty: Strategies for Professionals and Communities

Bridges Out of Poverty: Strategies for Professionals and Communities The United Way of Porter County, in conjunction with the Indiana Nonprofit Resource Network, is hosting an informative workshop on how to reduce poverty in our community. Bridges Out of Poverty will be held on Thursday, October 6th, 2011 from 9:00...

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