
Portage Tri Kappa Welcomes New Members

By: Tri Kappa Last Updated: October 3, 2011

Portage-Zeta-Mu-Chapter-New-MembersWelcome to the two new members of the Portage Zeta Mu Chapter of Tri Kappa, Dushanka Milatovic and Debra Willis, sponsored by Nan Reisen-Plunkett.

Tri Kappa is a unique philanthropic women’s organization within the state of Indiana. Each year, Tri Kappa gives over 1.5 million to its endeavors of charity, culture and education. To learn more about the Portage Chapter of Tri Kappa, please contact Stephanie Wilkins, Chapter President, at 764-4714 or Jeni Schloemer, Corresponding Secretary, at 764-5042.