It is time to pre-order quality trees from the Porter County Extension Board, while supplies last. Apple, Apricot, Plum, Peach, Nectarine, Cherry and Pear are priced at $18. The Tree Sale and Workshop will be held at the Porter County Fairgrounds...
Purdue Extension - Porter County
Purdue Extension to Offer Annual Educational Seminar & Garden Center Training
Do you have a lawn care or landscape service? Do you own a nursery or landscape materials company? Then why not join us for the Annual Educational Seminar and Garden Center Training. It will be held at Avalon Manor in Merrillville, IN on Tuesday,...
Purdue Extension Presents Low Impact Exercise Program on February 17, 2015
Are you interested in exercising, but need something that is easy on your body? We have the answer: Low Impact Exercise. Learn strength training that you can do in your home(and chair if necessary) with the use of a TheraBand- making the resistance...
Fruit Trees and Small Fruit for Sale through Purdue Extension
Fruit trees and small fruit can be found at the Porter County Extension Board Tree Sale and Workshop on Saturday, April 4, from 8 am to 11 am at the Porter County Fairgrounds. Fruit trees, as well as small fruit, asparagus, horseradish and rhubarb...
Purdue University Cooperative Extension Photography Contest
Purdue University Cooperative Extension and its Porter County Master Gardeners invite the public to share their garden photography in a photo contest. Entries will be displayed at the 12th Annual Gardening Show on Sat., Jan. 24, 2015, Porter County...
Spring 2015 Master Gardener Course
Porter County is announcing its Spring 2015 Master Gardener Course. The program runs Monday evenings from February 2 through May 11, 2015. Classes will be held at the Purdue North Central—Valparaiso campus in the Graduate building. 600 Vale Park...
4-H Enrollment Now Open for 2015, Easier than Ever with New Online System
Indiana 4-H enrollment is now open in Porter County through January 15, 2015. 4-H is a premier source of enjoyable, educational programs to help young people reach their full potential. Plus, new for 2015, enrollment is easier than ever with the 4-H...
Purdue Extension Presents Two Educational Programs: 14 Tips for Brain Health and Protecting Yourself From Frauds / Scams
So, what do dark chocolate and crossword puzzles have to do with brain fitness? The scientists at Posit Science say “As with physical exercise, brain exercise can help you improve your performance and feel your best.” Join us for a little fun, a...
A Pair of 100th Anniversaries
A Taste of Extension Homemakers presents “Having a Ball With Canning Jars!” Indiana Extension Homemakers and the Ball Corporation, creators of the “Perfect Canning Jar,” are both celebrating their 100th anniversaries this year. Join County...
Enjoy Fall Colors
Myths about Jack Frost are so ingrained in our folklore that it is difficult to separate fact from fantasy when explaining the annual spectacle of autumn color. Every fall, both hardwood and conifer trees develop fall color. This annual fall...