Portage Police Department

Chief’s Email: Get Out and Vote, National Emergency Test

Chief’s Email: Get Out and Vote, National Emergency Test I am just going through my emails after a short vacation and came upon an email from the wife of a Portage Firefighter who was kind enough to bring a rather important matter to my attention. It seems that a Nationwide Test of the Emergency Alert...

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Chief’s Email – Back to School, Nuke ‘Em, Seat Belts, and Smart 911

Chief’s Email – Back to School, Nuke ‘Em, Seat Belts, and Smart 911 Well, it is that time of year again when teachers, otherwise known as “horrible people” according to my wife, gather in old brick buildings across the Nation and snare our children from our homes and take them back to school. As you may recall,...

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Chief’s Email – Cell Phone Safety, New Laws, and Recycling

Chief’s Email – Cell Phone Safety, New Laws, and Recycling No, it of course is not my new cell phone, but minus the dial pad, it does look a lot like it. When my beloved “Razor” had its fill of being dropped and splashed by water and coffee, I began my search for its replacement. It took me forever to...

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