Nativity of Our Savior School held their Christmas program on December 21. The theme was "Christmas of the Animals", reflecting roles and perspectives of the animals traveling to and staying in Jesus' manger. Pre-K through 8th grade sang, danced, and...
Nativity of Our Savior School
4th Annual BooFest a Family Fun Event!
Come one, come all to the fourth annual Nativity BooFest on Saturday, October 22 from 6-10 p.m. This family fun event features many indoor fall and Halloween-themed games and activities for those 2 years and up! Our outside fun includes a hayride, a...
Nativity Students Create Cranes for Clothing
Mary Hahn, seventh grade teacher at Nativity of Our Savior Catholic School, came across a project from OshKosh B'gosh involving paper cranes. For every paper crane that was made and sent into OshKosh B'gosh, cranes being symbolic of long life in...
PHS Dental Health Students Instruct Nativity Kindergarten on Proper Oral Hygiene
Dental students from Rhonda Doane's Portage High School classes visited Nativity students in February-Dental Health Month. Vicki Crockett's kindergarten students (l to r) Delaney Nowak, Larissa Anderson, Addison Salcedo, and Olivia Hosking learn...
Magister Meus Award at Nativity
Nativity of Our Savior School has received the Magister Meus Award from Andrean High School for the second time three years. This award is presented to the school with the freshman class that has the highest GPA. Andrean representatives awarded it to...
Nativity Kindergarten Finishes Milk Jug Igloo
Vicki Crockett's Kindergarten class at Nativity recently completed construction on a milk jug igloo. Vicki came across the idea while searching for new ideas for her winter unit. Big enough for four students to fit in at a time, taking only 100-125...
Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser for Washington D.C. Trip
Nativity of Our Savior School is kicking off a year of fundraising for the current 7th graders who will graduate from the 8th grade in 2012. The students are raising money for their trip to Washington D.C. with an all-you-can-eat Spaghetti Dinner....
Get In On The Texas Hold’Em Action at Nativity!
Nativity is hosting their annual Texas Hold'Em on February 5, 2011, 1 pm in the Nativity Hall. Doors will open at noon for lunch and sign in. Buy-in is $60 for the 80 seat tournament, which includes lunch. There will also be side games for those who...
Nativity Elementary: Building an Igloo and Catholic Schools Week
Nativity of Our Savior Elementary School has great things going on, with their students and staff! Our third grade class, led by teacher Mrs. Mary Stephenson, is having a weekly economics curriculum presented by Annetta Jones from Purdue University...
Nativity School Closed Monday, December 13
Nativity of Our Savior School is closed Monday, December 13, 2010, due to the inclement weather