Don’t be afraid to set an example to your co-workers, friends, spouses or children by just being yourself rather than trying to be perfect. In the larger picture, everything does not have to be perfect in order to be effective. We have all lost our...
Read MoreMarci Crozier
Saying I’m Sorry Can Be Good for the Soul
Nutrition in the Fast Lane
Ok, so many people have heard that my husband and I own a Dairy Queen. I love Dairy Queen. Courtney lost 112 lbs while working at the Dairy Queen!! I don’t want people to think I am a hypocrite so I wanted to talk about Fast Food at least once in...
Read MoreFit Mom, Fit Family
About five years ago, a new friend and business associate of mine gave me a book he wrote. Titled Lean Mom, Fit Family…it is a 6-week plan for a slimmer you and a healthier family. It made me sad. I know he didn’t mean anything personal when he...
Read MoreBiggest Loser Pyramid
I like to keep it as simple as possible. Some days I count calories. Some days I just eat the best food for the best results. When I do this, I use the Biggest Loser Pyramid. It goes like this: 4-3-2-1 4: The bottom, or widest, tier represents the...
Read MoreThe Importance of Water
How any times did I have to hear this before I believed it? Do you believe it? If not, please HEAR THIS LOUD AND CLEAR! WATER, YES, WATER, is the single most important catalyst in losing weight AND keeping it off. When, then, do I take WATER for...
Read MoreEverybody Move!
I find it funny that people do not like the word exercise. Let’s call it movement…EVERYBODY MOVE. If you are not going to move yourself, at least move and get out of the way for somebody that wants to move. No pain, no gain…NOT TRUE! Just move....
Read MoreFood Is Your Friend
Lots of people have been asking about the "nutrition" part of my typical day. They want to know what kind of foods I eat and how much. First of all, I consider any food I am going to eat my friend. If it isn't good for me or doesn't make me feel...
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