There is a new message series for the month of December at First Baptist of South Haven. "Good News for great Joy"! Pastor Tim says: "This is a timely series for the Holidays from the Apostle Pauls letter to the Galations." Everyone is invited to...
First Baptist Church of South Haven
Joy in Time for the Holidays
At the South Haven Public library meeting room Pastor Tim will be conducting a study "Joy in Time for the Holidays"! This study again shows that during these tough times and what can be the saddest time of year, There is Joy to the world this...
First Baptist South Haven “Shares the Harvest” with Salvation Army
First Baptist pastor Tim Flener suggested to the leadership the idea of asking for donations for South Haven's Salvation Army food pantry and tie it into harvest time. They eagerly said let's do it and the small congregation stepped up big...
New Connect Group in September Titled: “Radical Joy”
Pastor Tim Flener wants everyone to know First Baptist in South Haven is kicking off a new Connect group titled: Radical Joy (for radical living)! Tim says this joy can be found in these difficult times and doesn't depend what is happening and is...
First Baptist Church Collects Supplies on Mothers Day for Gabriels Horn
The week before Mother's Day, Pastor Tim Flener asked for donations of toiletries and the like for Gabriel's Horn, a service the church supports. The small congregation responded and the collected items were brought in for Mother's Day, then...
First Baptist Church Shares the Love
First Baptist Church of South Haven shares their love for the community!
Gabriel’s Horn Receives Donation from First Baptist Church
First Baptist Church of South Haven asked the congregation to donate paper goods for Gabriel's Horn located down the street from the church. The paper goods were delivered earlier this month. This is a great cause and our small but growing group...