May is Mental Health Month! People who are emotionally healthy are in control of their emotions and their behavior. They are able to handle life's inevitable challenges, build strong relationships, and lead productive, fulfilling lives. When bad...
Aldous Huxley once said, "Happiness is not achieved by the conscious pursuit of happiness. It's generally the by-product of other activities."Keynote speaker, Bill O'Hanlon, a nationally renowned psychiatrist and author of numerous books, spoke at...
Porter-Starke Services will host its 2nd annual Living Health, Balance, & Hope Mental Health Symposium & Breakfast on Tuesday, May 10, 2011. Keynote speaker Bill O’Hanlon, an internationally-known therapist, author and featured guest of...
What (really) makes you happy? Hear Bill O'Hanlon, noted therapist, speaker, author of 30+ books, and featured guest on Oprah and The Today Show, share the story of his own personal journey toward happiness. Told with humor and compassion, Bill...
Steve Ford is an actor. He's acted in various minor roles including Black Hawk Down, When Harry Met Sally, and Transformers. He's the youngest son of former President, Gerald Ford. A veil of success might cause someone to think a guy like him has no...
Our upcoming workshop entitled “Teen Depression” is being held on September 14, 2010 from 6:00- 7:00pm at the Portage office located at 6469 Central Avenue. Attendants of this workshop will learn about the symptoms of teen depression, how to...
My husband and I recently bought a new bed after deciding that the monstrous headboard, complete with shelves and drawers, was taking over most of our small-to-mid-size bedroom and just not working for us anymore. Also, hopefully in about two weeks,...
Porter-Starke Services, a leading provider of mental health services in Northwest Indiana for over 35 years, invites you to join us for a mental health and substance abuse breakfast, “Living Health, Balance, & Hope” on Friday, August 27,...
Porter-Starke Services opened their brand new facility to the public on Tuesday, June 22, 2010 for a ribbon cutting ceremony in conjuction with the Portage Chamber of Commerce. Many people came out for the event, and in no time did the front lobby...
On Tuesday, July 20, Porter-Starke Services will host its Learn @ Lunch series with an informative education lecture entitled, “Suicide Prevention and Intervention” from 11:30- 1:00 PM at Porter-Starke Services, located at 701 Wall Street...