The Portage Township YMCA will be hosting a college fair on February 22 from 5-7 p.m. The Fair is free and open to the public. The fair will allow interested applicants to learn about Admission Requirements, Financial Aid, College Majors, College...
Parents’ Prayer
PARENTS' PRAYER I had the fortune to be able to serve mass this past week at the Catholic Schools week family mass at St. Paul with my two youngest children, Trevor and Peyton. In addition to the nervousness that came with it because I have not...
United Way of Porter County Awarded $50,061
The Federal Emergency Management (FEMA) has awarded an additional $50,061.00 grant to assist local nonprofit charities to expand crisis shelter and food programs that help the poor and homeless in Porter County. The state set-aside committee has...
United Way: Getting Things Done for America
This week the United Way of Porter County’s AmeriCorps team will be “Getting things done for America”! In accordance with Governor Mitch Daniels proclamation that May 9th through May 16th being AmeriCorps week for the state of Indiana, the...
United Way Regional Volunteer Center Partners with Chili’s
The United Way Regional Volunteer Center and Chili's have joined together to support the volunteers that supports us every day. Take time out to relax and enjoy yourself, and you don't even have to feel guilty about it. Go to Chili's for lunch...