DAC Cross Country Championship Meet

Ideas in Motion Media takes pride in providing good news to the community with the help of hard-working individuals behind the organizations and events that make this community unique. To celebrate the individuals in the community who exceed in their...
The June issue of Innovators of the Month features Supt. Barbara Eason-Watkins, Ph.D., as a Member of the "2013 – 2014 Class of Innovators" highlighting the innovation in Michigan City Area Schools. This email newsletter is designed to inform the...
Jon Groth, Principal/Area Director of Career and Technical Education, welcomed guests to the Groundbreaking Ceremony for Porter County Career and Technical Center with a warm smile and a friendly introduction. He began by reminiscing on the...
The 3rd Annual Good Life Awards, an awards ceremony honoring six individuals who have impacted the “LIFE” networks in a positive way, is set to return on August 5th from 6:00pm to 9:00pm at Industrial Revolution Eatery & Grille, all while...