At McColly Real Estate, education comes first. With a field that is constantly expanding and changing with time, it is crucial to approach every situation with a fresh, sharp mind. In order to achieve this mindset, McColly Real Estate prides itself...
McColly Companies Agents Attend, Win Awards at Global Real Estate Conference
Several McColly Real Estate agents took part in the Leading Real Estate Companies of the World Agent SUMMIT, February 18-22 at Wynn Las Vegas. Michelle Bagull and Kyle Bowen from the McColly Schererville office; George Georgeff, Highland office;...
McColly Real Estate Celebrates Agents’ Futures at Performance Plus Breakfast
McColly Real Estate agents and clients alike recognize the company stands out from others. When it comes to being an agent with McColly Real Estate, the consideration for sales associates’ long-term futures makes all the difference. On January 31,...
Melissa Osika Has Been Awarded the Certified Residential Specialist Designation
Melissa Osika has been awarded the prestigious Certified Residential Specialist (CRS) Designation by the Residential Real Estate Council, the largest not-for-profit affiliate of the National Association of REALTORS. REALTORS who receive the CRS...
McColly Annual Christmas Party Celebrates a Strong Year
It was another banner year for the McColly Real Estate team, and they celebrated in style on Thursday with their Annual Christmas Party at Innsbrook Country Club. The party was not only a celebration of the real estate agency’s business...
McCOLLY Charities Coat Drive a Huge Success!
McColly Charities would like to send out their sincerest ‘Thank you’ for sharing the Gift of Warmth! It truly warms the heart to know how much our local communities care. Due to an overwhelming response, over 450 adult and children’s coats were...
McCOLLY Charities Announces October Coat Drive
SHARE THE GIFT OF WARMTH! Here is your opportunity to make sure that nobody goes without such a basic necessity as a coat this winter. McColly Real Estate, on behalf of the McColly Charities, is sponsoring a Coat Drive beginning on October 15, 2018...
McColly Makes Finding the Right Home Easy with Walk Scores and Knowledgeable Agents
When buying a new home, there are so many factors to consider. From nearby schools to space to everything in between, choosing the right home can be a little overwhelming, even when you think you’ve gotten it figured out. But McColly Real...
REAL Trends Names McColly Real Estate Agents and Team in Indiana’s Best Real Estate Professionals
At McColly Real Estate, the lasting relationships that agents build with customers come from a solid foundation of hard work and support at every turn. To provide the best service possible and go above and beyond for those looking to make one of the...
McCOLLY Charities Peanut Butter & Jelly Drive A Great Success
McColly Real Estate, care of McColly Charities, held a Peanut Butter & Jelly drive and successfully collected 100+ jars of PB&J! Peanut butter and Jelly is a great staple for families in need. Peanut butter is one of the most needed items for...