City of Michigan City Creekness Stakes at Hansen Park 2024

La Porte County Problem Solving Court, better known as “Drug Court,” recently celebrated its 100th graduate since the program’s 2012 inception. Mayor Angie Nelson Deuitch was honored to have celebrated the milestone with this cohort of...
With September almost at an end and Halloween decorations appearing on shelves, take some time to appreciate the last vestiges of the summer by getting outside, exploring your community, and getting to know your neighbors. No matter where you are in...
A refreshed Michigan City Strategic Action Plan plots key points to forge toward continuous economic development and socioeconomic opportunities and innovations. The Economic Development Corporation Michigan City, Michigan City Mayor Angie Nelson...
Beginning the week of September 16, 2024, construction will commence to convert Franklin Street from one way to two-way along with re-alignment from North of 11th Street to 4th Street. As the project engineer for the City of Michigan...
The Michigan City Police Department announced Friday its receipt of a $180,000 grant through the federal Community Funding Project (CFP) for the purchase and installation of new crime-fighting equipment and technology. Specifically, the MCPD will use...
Mayor Angie Nelson Deuitch urges the citizens of Michigan City to check on family, friends, neighbors, pets, and especially the elderly during extreme weather to ensure everyone stays healthy and safe. If you or someone you know in...
Northern Indiana is taking advantage of the extra time away from work thanks to Labor Day to bring you tons of fun, laughs, music, and more this weekend! As fall begins to make its way here, many summer events are wrapping up for the year, so come...