If you suspect your child has diabetes, it may feel overwhelming. With November being National Diabetes Month, it may be a good time to learn about the things you can do as a parent to help spot the symptoms and manage the disease. It may mean making...
Offering comprehensive health care plans is an important step to help keep your employees healthier, especially when it comes to managing chronic conditions, like diabetes. A recent survey found employees with diabetes miss more than five unplanned...
When stay-at-home orders went into place during the COVID-19 pandemic, it may have altered your plans to stay on track with preventive doctor’s appointments. If you have kids, that may also mean missed routine vaccinations. In May, the CDC...
Marjorie* was a Medicaid member in Texas who needed a lot of support for her complex conditions. She was often in the hospital for dialysis and she also had regular panic attacks. As a member of the Texas Complex Care program, she was provided with...
As we continue to navigate the deep impacts of COVID-19, one thing seems certain — the pandemic has changed the way many of us have traditionally viewed and engaged with the health care system. Many times, crises create an urgency to speed up...
Caregiving for a loved one can put a strain on even the most resilient people. Add in the uncertainties of the COVID-19 pandemic and it has the potential to feel challenging. This means that finding ways to thrive and continue to take care of your...
Whether you moved to a new city, changed insurance plans or just haven’t gotten around to finding a primary care doctor, it’s important to spend time finding someone you can trust. A primary care physician can be more than just a doctor...
For many people who receive Medicaid, having health care coverage does not equate to getting health care services. In an effort to understand and bridge this gap, we went straight to the source: Medicaid recipients. This newly released,...
When you hear about the risk of identity theft today, most of the time it’s in the context of cybersecurity – scammers hacking into people’s email or online bank accounts to steal private information such as credit card numbers and...
Many families are living a new normal with children in the house all day. As many parents are having to split their attention between work, childcare and maintaining the household, keeping your kids safe at home is more important than ever –...