Shadyhill Speedway has a lineup of fun races planned through the rest of the summer. Celebrate over four decades of racing and check out the full schedule below!
Pulaski County Community Development Commission
Accelerate Indiana Cohort begins soon in Pulaski County
MatchBOX Coworking Studio is bringing a proven 6 week acceleration course to Benton, Carroll, Cass, Clinton, Fountain, Montgomery, Pulaski, Warren, and White counties to increase access to support for potential and existing entrepreneurs and small...
Tippecanoe River State Park 2023 Halloween Campsite Tour
Pulaski County Community Development Commission’s Tippy Tri-Challenge
Tippecanoe River State Park 4200 North U.S. 35 Winamac, 46996
Mussel Mania, Tippecanoe River State Park
What can you do to help the mussels in the river stay in their river home more easily? Come to the Nature Center and play the Mussels game and find out! Mussels are GREAT! Location Information: Tippecanoe River State Park (View Map) 4200 N. U.S. 35...
Bugs!, Tippecanoe River State Park
Watch for the Naturalist as she roams the campgrounds giving you information about firewood bugs, ticks, and mosquitos. Location Information: Tippecanoe River State Park (View Map) 4200 N. U.S. 35 Winamac, IN 46996 Montgomery Phone: (574) 946-3213...
Friends of Tippecanoe River State Park, Tippecanoe River State Park
Come to the Nature Center and join in the fun! Help make the park a more beautiful and friendly place to be! Join the Friends Group and make a Difference! Location Information: Tippecanoe River State Park (View Map) 4200 N. U.S. 35 Winamac, IN 46996...
Art and Crafts at Picnic Tables, Tippecanoe River State Park
Do you need a treasured memory to take home with you? Well, come to the Nature Center where you can create your very own real live Blue Bird House for $15, a Sun Catcher and Wind Chime in one for $5, OR a small decorative butterfly house for $5. Get...
Dino Bones, Tippecanoe River State Park
Do you love dinosaurs? Come to the Nature Center Patio where we will spend 30 minutes talking about bones and skeletons we have on display, and then let the fun begin. Pick out a Dino Block for $6 and start the excavation! Location...
Spiders! Friend or Foe?!, Tippecanoe River State Park
Do you Love spiders? Are spiders not your favorite People? Spiders are everywhere in lots of different shapes sizes and colors! Come to the Nature Center Patio where we will talk about some common ones and then take a short stroll around the NC and...