The Porter County GIVE DAY is a 24-hour online giving holiday, on Thursday, November 7, 2013, designed to support local nonprofit organizations. On GIVE DAY 2013 beginning at 12:01 am to 11:59 pm the public is invited to give to an approved list of...
Positive Approach to Teen Health (PATH)
Remember When Remember Why – 20th Anniversary Celebration!
Remember When ... Big hair was cool and so were leg warmers? Remember Why ... You cried after lunch when you had no one to sit with? Remember When ... A Rubik's cube and PAC MAN occupied you for hours? Remember Why ... You dreaded school because of...
Red Alert – Car Surfing
Car surfing on top of vehicles, ghost riding, and other stunts are gaining popularity among teenagers, who flock to YouTube to both share and view such daring endeavors. What is car surfing? Car surfing is a dangerous thrill-seeking activity that...
The Other Designer Drug Scare
Spice/K2 vs. Bath Salts A few months back, we did a RED ALERT on {valpo}"Bath Salts" {/valpo}{portage}"Bath Salts" {/portage}{laporte}"Bath Salts" {/laporte} - we are reviewing that alert and providing you with additional information on SPICE. SPICE...
Register Today for the American Teens in Crisis Conference
We cannot believe that it is already close to the middle of March! Before we blink, it will be Tuesday April 16th, the day of our American Teens In Crisis Conference. Wow! We just want to thank you for the great response so far. Many have registered...
PATH Presents: American Teens in Crisis Conference
The American Teens in Crisis Conference is a conference that will focus on teen health as it relates to peer and family relationships, schools, community, and media. Despite what parents may believe, 46% of teens say that parents most influence their...
American Teens in Crisis: Family Feud…Survey Says
American Teen is Crisis is a conference that will focus on teen health as it relates to peer and family relationships, schools, community, and media. The purpose will be to inform attendees on the topic of myth vs. fact. Please make plans to join us...
Finish the Year the Right Way! Get Your NAP Tax Credit Now!
NAP tax credits for 2012 are available now through December 31st. To ensure your 2012 donation, checks must be received or postmarked on or before December 31st. We need another $20,000 of NAP credit to get our LIV.TRUE program up and running again,...
Stop Sexting Before It Starts
This age is one of highly advanced technology. With our smartphones, we hold in the palm of our hand more computing power than it took NASA to land on the moon. These handheld marvels allow us to communicate with friends that live on the other side...
Partnership for Healthy Youth Open House
A new youth program comes to Lake County! We invite you to visit our office for a Community Open House on: Tuesday, Dec. 18, 2012 • 3 - 8 pm Partnership for Healthy Youth Office 105 W 79th Ave, Merrillville A Positive Approach to Teen Health (PATH)...