NIETF Park Plays Summer 2020 Wildwood Flower

The Northwest Indiana Excellence in Theatre Foundation announces the return of the popular Park Plays series. Park Plays features free family entertainment on the shores of Lake Michigan on summer Thursday evenings. The 2020 season features: July 23,...
Who could have imagined we'd be in a time and place where theatre is closed down? How insane does that even sound? But that's exactly where we find ourselves. Separated. Isolated. Alone. The very antithesis of all that theatre is. Theatre brings...
Open to the publiclocation TBA - most likely in Porter County
NIETF is proud to announce the Nominees for the 2015-16 season. Please join us in thanking our NIETF viewers for a year of excellent service and numerous hours and join us in congratulating everyone who does community theatre – including this...
NIETF is proud to announce the Nominees for the 2014-15 season. There were 24 viewable plays and 14 viewable musicals. Please join us in thanking our NIETF viewers for a year of excellent service and numerous hours and join us in congratulating...
The 23rd Annual NIETF Awards Gala is now a full evening of dinner, entertainment, dancing and celebrating together excellence in community theatre across northwest Indiana. As we continue to listen to you, our members and patrons, and seek to improve...
It is time friends, for all good men and women to come to the aid of their theatre community. Are you interested in serving the theatres and theatre artists across the region? We'd love to have you, your ideas, and your get-it-done-excellently...
Each season, NIETF viewers attend all eligible shows and submit their nominations. These nominations are accumulated until the end of the season when a special meeting is held to vote on this list, narrowing the field down to the final nominees in...
The region will shine with the glow of the spotlight as you sit back, laugh, and awe at the amazing talents of local actors. Theatre companies from across NWI will present short shows or excerpts of longer ones in a showcase format. In the lobby,...