Just days after her historic win, Michigan City Mayor-elect Angie Nelson Deuitch is busy preparing to transition into her new role in January. "We’re working hard to identify the right people for the right positions so we can hit the ground running...
Michigan City Police Department
Window A/C Security: How to keep your house and family safe
Michigan City Police Department Employment Opportunities
The Michigan City Police Department is currently accepting applications for multiple Full-Time Police Officer positions. Starting pay for a Probationary Officer (first year) is $42,494.01. After completing the first year of probationary status then...
The Michigan City Police Department Received 30 Portable Breath Test Units from an Indiana Criminal Justice Institute
The Michigan City Police Department received thirty (30) Intoximeters, Inc, Alco-Sensor FST (Portable Breath Test) units from an Indiana Criminal Justice Institute (ICJI) grant, that Det./Sgt. Ken Havlin applied for. Each Portable Breath Test unit...
Michigan City Police Department Completes Operation Pull Over Blitz 91 “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over”
The Michigan City Police Department has just completed our participation in the OPO Blitz 91 “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” covering the Labor Day weekend holiday. During OPO Blitz 91 the Michigan City Police Department had 4 extra patrols...
Michigan City Police Department Completes Operation Pull Over for July 2017
The Michigan City Police Department has completed our participation in the OPO traffic enforcement grant for the month of July 2017. We had 15 extra patrols working 37.5hrs of overtime, paid from a Grant issued from the Indiana Governors Council and...
Michigan City Police Department Will Arrest Impaired Drivers with National Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over Effort
The Michigan City Police Department is joining about 220 law-enforcement agencies across Indiana and thousands nationwide in the Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over campaign. From mid-August through the Labor Day Weekend, police will be out in full force,...
Michigan City Police Department Completes Operation Pull Over for June 2017
The Michigan City Police Department has completed our participation in the OPO traffic enforcement grant for the month of June 2017. We had 8 extra patrols working 22hrs of overtime, paid from a Grant issued from the Indiana Governors Council and...
Michigan City Police Department Announces New Officers in 2017
Chief Mark Swistek and the Michigan City Police Commission are proud to announce the hiring of two new officers, Officer Amanpreet (Adam) Singh and Officer Cody Washluske on Monday July 10th, with the recent retirements of Corporal Michael Elkins and...
Michigan City Police Department Reminds Parents of 2017 Curfew Law
Michigan City Police Chief Mark Swistek would like to remind parents of the State Curfew law along with the current City Ordinance. Curfew for minors is all year long (Including summer) Curfew hours for children 15, 16, or 17 years of age. No parent,...