Two Men and a Truck’s mission and vision drive local franchise owner Jeff Brown to help community organizations, including Porter County Aging and Community Services. The moving company has been stepping in when organizations need assistance with...
Lesly Bailey
Energy Assistance Funding Boost Clears Way to Help More
Due to additional funds made available by the state, the Porter County Aging and Community Services’ staff is continuing to take appointments for Porter County individuals needing energy assistance. “We had faced a bumpy financial start to this...
Gregory Named Interim Director of SBDC
Business advisor Bill Gregory is taking over leadership of the Northwest Indiana Small Business Development Center as interim director. Former Regional Director LeAnn McCrum has moved on to another opportunity as she pursues new challenges in her...
PCACS Provides Transportation to NIRPC Hearing
Porter County Aging and Community Services will be assisting community members who wish to attend a hearing on how area public transportation operators are serving people with disabilities. PCACS will provide transportation to the public hearing from...
PCACS Seeks Help to Reach NAP Tax Credit Goal
Porter County Aging and Community Services continues to offer tax credits as part of the Neighborhood Assistance Program. The donations are a way for community members to support PCACS’ transportation program while receiving state tax breaks....
RSVP Seeks Recipes for 500 Turkeys
Retired and Senior Volunteer Program of Porter County is collecting recipes or notes for the families who receive Thanksgiving meals through 500 Turkeys. Leftover recipe ideas will be part of the 500 meals distributed through the program, which is...
AmeriCorps Member Coordinating PCACS Programs
Jeannie Smith has joined the Porter County Aging and Community Services’ team as coordinator of the Emergency and Energy Assistance programs. Smith is a part of the AmeriCorps program, which is coordinated by the United Way of Porter County...
PCACS Energy Assistance Program Starts November 1
Porter County Aging and Community Services will begin reviewing applications for the Energy Assistance program on Nov. 1, a month later than last year due to new program guidelines. Beginning Oct. 24, PCACS staff will start taking appointments....
PCACS Welcomes New Board Member
Terrence Jent, executive director of Miller’s Senior Living Community of Portage, has joined the Porter County Aging and Community Services Board as a new member. Jent brings a different perspective to the board as the youngest member and through...
Gregory Joins NWI SBDC as Business Advisor
Bill Gregory is the newest member of the business advisor team at the NWI Small Business Development Center. Concentrating on Lake County, Gregory will assist region businesses with planning, growth and development. He will work to create connections...