For my family, this story begins at Purdue University in West Lafayette, where my sister (a tenor saxophone player) met her now-husband (a tuba player) when they were members of the best darned band in the land, the Purdue All-American Marching Band....
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Merry TubaChristmas!
What Is 4-H?
4-H is a community of young people across America who are learning leadership, citizenship, & life skills and now is a great time to get your Kindergarten through 12th grade students involved in the Porter County 4-H Program! Here are some quick...
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As the 4-H Extension Educator for the Porter County (Indiana) 4-H Program, one of my favorite times of year is 4-H Camp! Our county camps with neighboring LaPorte County (my childhood home), and we always have a great time at 4-H Camp. This year we...
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