Do you know how much water you use each day? It’s not something the average person generally spends much time thinking about, but the numbers may surprise you. Between our morning showers, glasses of water, and the water we use to clean dishes and...
Indiana American Water
Between Source and Tap: Getting to Know the People Behind the Water Treatment Process
When you turn on your tap, you may not be aware of the many people whose hard work and dedication goes into making that possible. We rely on them every time we go to our tap for a drink of water, to make food, to clean our homes, to wash our hands,...
Chlorine and Chloramines – Their Role in the Drinking Water Treatment Process
Chlorination of drinking water is widely considered to be one of the most significant public health benefits since it was first used for this purpose in the late 1890s in Europe. Prior to this time, thousands of U.S. residents in the U.S. died...
Long-Term Water Sustainability at Home
American households waste up to one trillion gallons of water each year. Many issues that contribute to this high volume of waste are easy to fix. A simple change in your daily habits or upgrading water fixtures in your home or business can...
Stopping Water Pollution Starts at Home
Water pollution poses a hazard to everyone on the planet. We often think of agricultural pesticides or industrial contaminants as polluting our waterways, but the truth is, your at-home habits play a role, too. You can do your part to keep...
Water Contamination- How Far Do Pollutants Reach?
Human activities are the most common causes of drinking water contamination. While the groundwater below the Earth’s surface is typically well-protected by rock and soil, pollutants which seep into the ground can penetrate these...
How Hoosiers Use Water
Water is used in many ways in our everyday lives. We often take the water we use for granted, and consequently, don’t give much thought to how much water we are using in our daily routines. Take a look at how customers use water each day to better...
Teaching Children the Importance of Water
Water sustains life. As children grow and comprehend the world around them, it is important they learn just how vital water is to their bodies and our environment. Children are our future, and they should be given a full understanding of water, why...
How Are Fish Affected by Water Pollution?
Fishing is a beloved pastime of many Hoosiers, with 663,000 Indiana residents considering themselves anglers. Not surprising when you consider our state is home to many lakes and rivers rich with bass, catfish, walleye, crappie, and other...
Food and Water: How Much is Needed to Produce Our Food?
Food and water – two resources absolutely vital to our existence. When it comes to what we eat, many don’t consider the role that water plays in producing our food. To produce enough food to sustain the planet’s population, 52.8...