Do you wish you lived somewhere else? Do you want some fabulous life change to shake up your days? More money? An adventure, new job, house, town? Something (anything) different. I bet lots of us wish we could escape the dull ebb and flow and status...
Heather Curlee Novak
My Mom Died and All I Got Was This Clunky Recipe Box
My Mom died of brain cancer suddenly when I was thirteen years old. I had just left her in Colorado to come spend the summer with my Dad in Indiana. In typical Teenage Girl vs. The Mother fashion, I couldn't wait to get away from her. I remember...
Does a Snow Turtle Sneeze? How I am Becoming a Nicer Mama
I am doing my devotions this morning about kindness and gentleness as a parent. I struggle with this and know I will find encouragement here. (What I am actually doing is just reading through the past two weeks of the study I haven’t done.) I’m...