The Greater Portage Chamber of Commerce had another successful Portage Community and Business Night on Thursday at Woodland Park. With 11 years and counting, this event continues to be a great opportunity for businesses to showcase themselves to the...
Erin Evers
Porter County Expo Center Plays Host to 2014 Earth Day Event
On Saturday, the Porter County Expo Center helped celebrate Earth Day with their annual Porter County Earth Day Event. With over 80 exhibits, the public had the opportunity to learn about ways to help sustain the environment. The line-up included:...
1st Source Bank Hosts Kiwanis Club “Friend-raiser”
Group members of Chesterton - Duneland Kiwanis got together on Saturday night to celebrate the great work they have been doing as an organization. This gathering, sponsored by 1st Source Bank, was held at Third Coast Spice Cafe in Chesterton. Members...