Dunes National Park Association

Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore to Benefit from BMW’s Restore the Outdoors Facebook Promotion (Update: You Can Win an iPad!)

Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore to Benefit from BMW’s Restore the Outdoors Facebook Promotion (Update: You Can Win an iPad!) Update: The Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore needs your help to raise funds from BMW of USA!  Spread the word, like an image and help raise up to $10,000 for the Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore without giving a dime! (AND NOW the Dunes will...

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Mitch Markovitz “Lake Michigan” Poster Now Available Online Through Dunes National Park Association

Mitch Markovitz “Lake Michigan” Poster Now Available Online Through Dunes National Park Association Beginning this week, the Mitch Markovitz poster entitled, “Lake Michigan” is available for purchase through the Dunes National Park Association (DNPA) website for $30. The poster, a reproduction of an original Markovitz painting created for the...

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Dunes Nation Park Association Sponsors 7th Annual Party in the Park

Dunes Nation Park Association Sponsors 7th Annual Party in the Park On Saturday, August 18, the Dunes National Parks Association is sponsoring the 7th annual Duneland celebration, “Party in the Park,” at Thomas Centennial Park in downtown Chesterton. Each year, the Duneland Chamber of Commerce hosts this event to...

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Smokey the Bear Visits Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore

Smokey the Bear Visits Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore Last weekend patrons of the Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore -- adults and children alike-- were excited to meet Smokey the Bear. After a grand entrance, arriving at the fire station on a National Park fire truck, Smokey visited with people taking...

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Dunes National Park Association (DNPA) Presents $2,500 Check For Kids’ Exploration Backpacks

Dunes National Park Association (DNPA) Presents $2,500 Check For Kids’ Exploration Backpacks On Tuesday, July 19, the Dunes National Park Association Board of Directors presented a $2,500 check to Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore (INDU) for the purchase of 500 backpacks for children who will be participating in the new Nature in My...

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