In November 1974, few people thought it was a good time to invest. The Dow was low and people were feeling it. Jim Fullerton, former chairman of the Capital Group, however, offered some perspective by reflecting upon the past. The article Investing...
Barney and Pendleton Financial Group
When It Comes to IRAs, Know Your Limits
In recent years, IRAs have become the single largest vehicle for retirement savings in the United States. At the end of 2007, IRAs held $4.8 trillion in retirement savings, whereas employer-sponsored defined-contribution plans like the 401(k) held...
Inflation Goes to College
Over the past 10 years, tuition and fees have grown more than 4% faster than the rate of general inflation at public four-year colleges and more than 2% faster than inflation at private four-year colleges.1 That’s pretty scary stuff, but it...