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The Inspiration Project: Stories that Strengthen Us

rot004Porter-Starke Services has embraced the model set forth in the international project, This I Believe, to inspire our community towards health, balance and hope. With the assistance of the non-profit This I Believe organization, Porter-Starke Service invites YOU, our community, to participate! We're calling this local event "The Inspiration Project: Stories that Strengthen Us."

Based on a popular 1950s NPR radio series, This I Believe was hosted by acclaimed journalist Edward R. Murrow. Each day, Americans gathered by their radios to hear compelling essays from the likes of Eleanor Roosevelt, Jackie Robinson, Helen Keller, and Harry Truman, as well as corporate leaders, cab drivers, scientists, and housewives—anyone willing to distill into a few minutes the guiding principles by which they lived. Since 2005, the revival of This I Believe has featured essays by prominent Americans such as Colin Powell, Gloria Steinem, Bill Gates, Robert Fulghum, and Yo-Yo Ma, as well as those of everyday citizens, including students, artists, scientists, writers, politicians, and even an astronaut.

Thousands of people have accepted the invitation to write their own statements of personal belief. You are invited to do the same by joining The Inspiration Project, a local opportunity to set pen to paper and share your story! Join us and together we can inspire one another through words, further strengthening the health, balance and hope of our community. To start your essay, visit the Essay Guidelines page.

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