Written by Michelle Stewart, Principal
Parents often ask how they can best keep informed about their child’s progress. A very efficient way is to make use of the technology available through the Portage Township Schools’ website. A great deal of information can be obtained with a few quick keystrokes on your computer or smart phone. I urge every community member to make use of this helpful tool.
Beginning at the district home page, which can be accessed at www.portage.k12.in.us parents can get valuable information about the district as a whole. By clicking on any of the shortcuts at the left of the home screen, one can find out which bus to ride, what the cost and menus are for breakfast and lunch or discover information about Adult Education. At the upper right of the district home page, one can check out the school calendar, and discover the work of the Portage Township Education Foundation. Timely announcements that impact the entire district are listed on the right hand side of the main page.
The masthead along the top gives the reader updated information about our curriculum. By clicking on that tab a parent can access the grade level maps that guide the instruction that each child receives throughout their time in Portage Schools. Additionally, one can view the Academic standards that the curriculum map is built upon as well as information regarding student programs and Developmental Assets. A very valuable link is the one that connects parents to the Parent Portal. Using login and password codes, parents can receive real-time up-to-date information on their child’s grades in all classes.
If a community member wishes to find employment with the school system, a simple click on the Human Resources tab allows them to find information on what employment opportunities are currently available. An online application and information regarding volunteering within the schools including an application for a background check is also housed at this location.
After becoming comfortable with the district home page, parents should strive to become familiar with your child’s individual school page. While keeping the same format, each school site page seeks to provide information specific to that building. Each page lists staff directories including email addresses to enhance communication. Parents can find supply lists, daily announcements and lists of favorite websites on these school sites.
Many teachers in the system have spent time developing blogs to allow parents to have an even greater knowledge of what is happening in their child’s world each day. Additionally, most home sites have a terrific assortment of candid shots of children that help show what a day in the life of your child is really like.
Just as we can now access so many aspects of our lives through the magic of the Internet, parents can be connected more than ever with their child’s teachers and other school personnel. By taking advantage of the technology that is available for parents and other community members, one can stay as current as possible with what is happening in your child’s life while they are behind the schoolhouse doors.