The City of Portage recognizes the flooding and stormwater challenges that residents of Southwest Portage have experienced. In 2009, the City instituted a Stormwater Utility Fee, which created a dedicated funding source for managing and treating stormwater. The Stone Avenue Drainage Improvement project is the first large scale project that will utilize funds from the newly initiated Portage Stormwater fee. On May 27th, 2009, the city organized a public meeting to gather information before the project even began. On October 27, 30% design plans were submitted to the public for additional input. The City of Portage is excited to announce that construction will begin along Stone Avenue in late May-early June.
- The total amount of pipe that will be used for this project is about 20,021 feet, which is equal to 55 football fields, end to end.
- The distance of new sidewalk this project brings to the community is 3.32 miles. If you jogged the entire length of the project at five miles per hour, a full loop around the project would take about 47 minutes.
- The smallest pipe in the project has a circumference of just 6 inches. The largest pipe is 66 inches, which is five and a half feet wide!
- The project will “touch” a total of 331 different parcels of land along and around Stone Avenue.
- 489 acres of land in Southwest Portage will drain to the new pipes that will be installed under Stone Avenue
- The deepest hole dug for the project will be about 15 feetthe average total height of a one story house!
- 173 citizens signed in for the last two public meeings.
Frequently Asked Questions
How much of my land will be taken?
We anticipate very limited land acquisition because this is not a road widening project. The road will run down the center of the 50-foot right-of-way, flanked by 5 feet of green space and 5 feet of sidewalks.
What is the “right of entry” form the city is requesting I sign?
A right-of-entry allows us to construct infrastructure to improve drainage on or near your property and reseed areas that may be disturbed during construction. This will ensure a seamless transition from the existing property to the new improvements.
When will construction start/when will it end?
Assuming that there are no major weather events or unforeseen challenges, we hope that construction will begin around mid May-early June of 2010 and finish in October 2011.
What are the daily construction hours?
Construction hours are based on the City of Portage’s Noise Ordinance. Contractors typically work between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m.
Are emergency response aware of the construction?
Yes. Regularly scheduled weekly construction update meetings will occur and all emergency responders will be engaged with the project
Have you considered school traffic?
Yes. We recognize the area serves three schools - Fegely Middle School, George Myers Elementary School, Central Elementary School and Portage Christian School. We have had coordination meetings with the Portage Township Schools in order to ensure safe routes to school for all students.
Will there be sidewalks?
There are sidewalks planned for the north and side south sides of the street.
How is the city going to pay for this?
The project will be funded through the $10 monthly stormwater management fee adopted by the city in 2009. The newly created Utility Services Board will bond for the project.
How can you be sure that Willow Creek can handle all that extra water?
We heard these concerns at the first and second public meeting, which is one of the primary reasons we are designing three outfalls to help lessen the impact on the creek. Remember, all water in the watershed flows into Willow Creek eventually. This project will just make it faster which we take this into account when we perform modeling. We have performed modeling that has ensured the creek can handle the extra water. And, the Department of Natural Resources also regulates creeks, so there will be additional oversight to ensure that Willow Creek is able to handle the flow.
After this new road is built, will traffic increase? What about speeding?
We do not believe that traffic or speeding will increase significantly. We will implement traffic calming features into the design of the road… for example, creating a wide gutter that will give the appearance of a smaller road which typically reduces speed.
What’s going to happen to the trees and yard that the city disturbs in the process of this project?
Certain types of trees can badly damage and crack new sidewalks. In order to ensure that our new infrastructure lasts for years, the City will carefully evaluate any new foliage. All disturbed areas will be reseeded.
How is this going to affect our sanitary system?
There are currently many illegal sump pumps connected to the City’s sanitary system. The sanitary system is not designed to handle this kind of flow. By installing storm drains, we will give residents an opportunity to legally connect sump pumps. Removing the stormwater from the sanitary system will reduce back ups and reduce treatment cost, keeping your sanitary sewer bill lower.
Will my garbage still be picked up?
The city will maintain normal garbage pick up service.
What about mail service?
Coordination will occur with the US Mail Service to ensure home delivery will still occur. At times, temporary mailboxes might need to be utilized, but we’ll communicate that with residents as needed.
Who should I call if I have questions during construction?
Dan Komenda, Portage’s Project Manager, will be the City employee who will work with the contractor and residents during construction. You will often be able to find him onsite, or you can contact him at the Department of Public Works at 219-762-4204.