Some of you may know Kyle, some of you may not. If you do know Kyle then everything I am about to say won’t come as a surprise. If you don’t know Kyle, then this will serve as the perfect introduction to my partner in journalistic crime.
Kyle, or “Klye” as we like to call him when the going gets tough, loves video games, movies, Lupe Fiasco, and cartoony things I don’t understand and will never understand because I am not willing to go that far down the rabbit hole to learn about. All I know is Kyle loves them, Klye probably enjoys them on occasion, but all of it goes into making Kyle, Kyle and Klye.
But for all the cool things Kyle is into, one of the coolest is the fact that I always come up with crazy ideas and he’s always willing to join me on these absurd escapades. In fact, just last week I wanted someone to hit me and my camera with a snowball, and I knew there was only one man for the job.
That time I decided to take on all comers in putt putt
Every time I went on a vacation I always had to putt putt. Even as I got older, the urge to hit a purple ball through a creaky clown’s mouth made of iron never left me. So when the time came that I found out there’s essentially a theme park next door to our office, I knew it was time to challenge Kyle.
And then we decided to go Go Karting.
And, sure enough, there was Kyle, already on his way to the track. Boss status.
Then there was that time the office decided to play video games..
I’ll tell you, I never knew what joy truly was until I saw Kyle’s excitement the minute his green overalled man on an undersized Go Kart took down Rainbow Road.
Kyle never won, Kyle didn’t care. It’s not the destination, as they say, but the journey of your green overalled man on an undersized Go Kart.
Kyle, this deep cuts is for you buddy. Because you work hard, and you play hard. So, in honor of Kyle, I will leave you with this last link of Kyle in his purest element.
Deep Cuts, out.