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Smart Choice Helping Feed Portage Residents

Smart-Choice-Food-SourceWith the national closing of Angel Food Ministries in September, a hole was left in our community as to a source for quality food at a low cost for families. Angel Food had been part of our community for several years, first at Family Bible Church and later at First United Methodist Church.

The former Angel Food network of churches and organizations has been invited now to participate with a similar ministry out of St. Louis called Smart Choice Food Source. First United Methodist Church in Portage will begin distributing food from Smart Choice in November; orders are being taken now, either at the church office (2637 McCool Rd.) or online (www.portageumc.org).

Smart Choice provides a variety of "boxes" suited to various family needs, including a "Senior Meals" box and a pasta box. The order deadline is November 8; pick-up will be at the church on November 19 from 10-11 a.m. Any food not picked up during that time will be donated to a needy family in our area.

For more information about Smart Choice, visit their website: http://smartchoicefoodsource.com/index.php

For ordering information locally, visit: http://www.gbgm-umc.org/portageumc/smartchoicefoods.html

To contact Portage First UMC, call: 219-762-3846.