The premise behind what we do here is pretty darn simple really. Celebrate what you have, who you have, what you are, or just celebrate for the heck of it, as it is plain old more fun that thinking how crappy people or things can be at times.
We all have our days where people who have their head up their rear show how much they don’t get what we do that can cause us frustration, or times when the to-do list for today seems longer than the list should be for the month, just like everybody else.
But if given the chance, which we all are every morning when we awake, wouldn’t you just rather view the day as it could be when you start it out, versus the opposite? Some people view Monday as a great new start to the week and it is. A chance to get back into the swing of life after we hopefully had some time on the weekend to sit on the swing for a bit. Sundays are the best days for many as they tend to be more built around family, faith, getting outdoors, and stuff that renews us.
As the song goes, Monday you could fall apart, Tuesday Wednesday break my heart, Thursday doesn’t even start, it’s Friday and I’m in Love.
But is there anything like Friday morning when the world seems full of opportunity again, and how can you not get jacked up about Friday listening to the Cure – It’s Friday, I’m in Love. Whether you are jacked about seeing your wife and kids like me, or your friends, your team mates, a bunch of people at a party or event, or some family at church or a grad celebration, what is not to love about that.
So, now that you have gotten through the Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of your week, what are you in Love with this Friday?
Enjoying the dunes with my children. Kristina Edwards McIlree
I am deeply in love with my wife, and thankfully my job as well. Brandon J. Miller
My Family and Friends and Life :) Tammy Balke Sella
My wife.....of 20 years & 223 days. Dennis Duncan
My husband, and the Lord above for blessing my broken road!!! Tami Maxey
Brincka Cross Gardens in furnessville, In! Heaven! Cara Reeder
My husband and my daughter, and summer. Christina Giotte Weekends, I love weekends, and summer, and my husband and my kids and photography!!! Stephanie Wallace
My children & sunshine! Rebecca Carpenter Richardson I am in love with my Family and Life in general! Life is Good! Donette Hower Heinze Jesus and my hubby and family and friends Alicia Janette Baker It is our 16th anniversary today - so I have to say I am still madly in love with my husband! Leeann Good Sunny days and days filled with the Son!! Christy Banaski Jorden My children and my sweet granddaughter, Grace. Kathy Faurot Welter My wonderful son, my daughter in law, Tank, Family, Life, Love, Good Food, Peace, Blue skies, Clouds, and the Great Indiana Dunes...Friends, Gulf Florida Beaches Rose Aaron My Wonderful husband, My Beautiful children, My friends My dogs and My running!!!! Darla Robinson
I'm loving it because I'm off of work fpr a couple days Sara Brown
I am in love with a man that doesn't know that I am in love with him. Roxanne Marie Veeck
I am in love with my dad....he has changed sooo much in the last month....I believe it is the beginning of I am gonna love him while I still have him...he will be 75 in a couple of weeks and I feel him slipping sad! Christine Rains