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Indiana Chamber of Commerce Works For You

Kevin Brinegar, President of the Indiana Chamber of Commerce, came to Merrillville on Wednesday, September 8, 2010 to share about the Chamber's recent acitivies as well as sharing about who the Chamber is and how they can help you and your business. The luncheon was held on the top floor of the Centier Centre overlooking the skyline on a beautiful, clear day. The Indiana Chamber of Commerce comprises 5,000 members employing 800,000 Hoosiers in all 92 Indiana counties. More than 50 talented and dedicated staff members serve within the Chamber and their legislative expertise applies to all facets of business including tax and public finance, employment law and labor relations, and health care and workplace safety. In fact, the Chamber's work yielded $1.55 billion dollars in savings to Indiana businesses. That's $559 per Hoosier!

"I think the position that [Northwest Indiana] is in is comparatively stronger financially and that the quality of the workforce is stronger as well," said Brinegar.

Indiana has the highest number of manufacturing employees out of any state and a large number of them are right here in our own region. Brinegar also shared about Economic Vision 2010, which was created in 2000 in order to set a number of goals or drivers Indiana should be shooting for. "Tremendous success", as noted by Brinegar, has been seen through this initiative thanks to the help of the Chamber and its coalition partners. The notable advancements have been the historic 2002 tax restructuring, improved education standards and 2003 economic development initiatives.

"It's really a quality of life issue," comments Brinegar. "[Because of the completed initiatives], we are more competitive and are a better place for jobs in Indiana."

A similar document will soon be revealed for goals and initiatives to be met in 2025. Its expected completion is by the summer of 2011.

For more information about the Indiana Chamber or its activities similar to these, click here to go to their website.