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The Mission In Our Own Backyard

Frontline-FoundationsWhen Frontline's Executive Director Amber Hensell expressed the need for program resources, Pastor G. Thomas Jones made it his mission to help. Several heard the message that day, but he was intently listening. The 12 Steps have been of great help to people in recovery, which is why Frontline uses The Life Recovery Bible as one of its tools. Much of the power in the 12 Steps comes from the fact that they reflect biblical principles.

It wasn't long before Pastor Jones was voicing the need for these Bibles to his congregation. He has seen addiction first hand in loved ones. He understood the need for scriptural wisdom, instruction, and guidance. He appealed to the congregation to support Frontline by supplying bibles as a local mission. What he initially considered a short-term mission has turned into a fixture of the church mission.

Pastor Jones explains, It gives Porter United Methodist a presence outside of the stained glass windows of our local building. His congregation stamps each bible and includes a special note to its new owner. The message is very clear, We've been praying for you. We put the money in the pot to buy this bible thinking about you that one day you would come to know the grace of God just the way you are.

So often with recovery, clients deal with shame and guilt. The 4th Step of Recovery, We made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves, is a critical step in recovery. Acknowledging the darkest places of life including very personal mistakes and failures is often necessary.

Matthew 7:1 tells us that we will not be judged if we do not judge others. Those in recovery need the freedom to move beyond these dark places. There is a difference between guilt and shame. Guilt compels us to make changes, while shame eats at our soul. Shame causes us to hide, yet the weight of guilt pushes towards transformation.

The Pastor's passion for providing Life Recovery Bibles is fueled by a belief that we are more than just a physical body. Wholeness comes from nurturing the mind, body, and soul.