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Grant Program Boosts Effectiveness of Youth-serving Nonprofits Across Indiana

indiana-youth-institute-logoAt least twelve organizations across Indiana will have the opportunity to serve more children, youth or families or improve their effectiveness through a grant program offered by the Indiana Youth Institute (IYI).

The Capacity Building Coaching grant will give nonprofits serving children, youth or families an opportunity to overcome challenges they face in running their agencies. The grant matches consultants with agency staff and board members to develop strategies and implement best practices so the organizations can best deliver their services.

IYI will award 12 grants, but because collaborative applications between two agencies are encouraged, more than 12 agencies could benefit. Applications must be submitted via e-mail to IYI by Aug. 26.

Nonprofit community and faith-based organizations serving children, youth or families from any Indiana county are eligible. Geographic diversity of the 12 winning applications will be taken into account when the grants are awarded. The grants will be awarded this September and the grant cycle will run through next June. The winning organizations will receive:

· Up to 150 hours of professional consulting from IYI to provide strategic planning, board development, evaluation planning, fund development, marketing, executive mentoring, technology or other technical assistance that would increase the effectiveness of the organization. · Registration for one to attend “Principles and Techniques of Fundraising,” a five-day overview course taught by The Fund Raising School at Indiana University in Indianapolis, all approved travel expenses paid. · Registration for two to attend IYI’s Because Kids Count Conference in Indianapolis, Dec. 3-4, 2013, all approved travel expenses paid.

Requests for proposal guidelines for the Capacity Building Coaching grant can be found on the IYI website at www.iyi.org. Organizations with additional questions may contact Carolyn Langan, IYI’s program manager for consulting, at 1-800-343-7060, ext. 2716 or clangan@iyi.org.

The Indiana Youth Institute promotes the healthy development of Indiana children and youth by serving the people, institutions and communities that impact their well-being.