The following is a list of the boards and commissions of the city of Portage. To find out more information, click the link. Common Council Board of Public Works and Safety Cable TV Board Economic Development Commission Board of Licensing and...
Porter County Fair old
Porter County Fair July 23rd- August 2nd, 2009 Porter County Expo Center 215 E. Division Valparaiso, IN 46383 Tel: 219-462-0321 <!-- Fax: ? --> Bookmark | Print | E-mail to a Friend | Contact The Fair Office | Events | Buy...
Presentation on VA Improved Pension Benefit at Campbell Street Cafe
Porter County Aging & Community Services will host a presentation on “What You Don’t Know about the VA ‘Improved Pension’ Can Be Hazardous to Your Health!” by Jeff McBride, Professional Member of the American Association for Wartime...
4 Rookies and a Pro in Vegas
In the mid 90’s, I was writing a similar column to what is now called a blog in the Vidette. The paper was sold to the Times corporation and the guys from the Vidette were now going to be Times employees. A bunch of us were sitting around talking...
Lew Wallace High School Cross Country Team
I joined the Lew Wallace Cross country team in the fall of 1965. I was entering my sophomore year of high school. This was my first year at Lew Wallace. I had attended Horace Mann from 7th – 9th grade. I am writing this to prove to our Saturday...
The Breakfast Club
Every Saturday morning, we convene the Breakfast Club. We meet at Mike’s Premiere Grill on Calumet Ave in Valparaiso. The hierarchy or chain of command kind of goes like this. Fred McNulty is the Grand Poobah. He used to be a lot bigger than he is...
The Incredible Edible Stromboli
The incredible edible Stromboli. This is the Stromboli sandwich from Mike’s Premiere Grill/Pizza King in Valparaiso. I have to admit, I am in love. The ground seasoned sausage, fresh Gonnella bread toasted to perfection, sweet onions and fresh...
Seeking Answers to Weighty Questions
The other day I was waiting for an appointment and I picked up a book in the waiting room. There were some really curious questions in this book and they got me to thinking. I couldn't answer some of them, so I thought I would ask you readers for...
The Quasimodo Look
Lately on television there have been some strange commercials, such as the Taco Bell one with Shaq. That's the one where his head is over at a strange angle and they call it taco neck syndrome. It's a funny idea, but this last week I developed my own...
A Beef Barley ‘Stew Soup’ Adventure
I have always liked beef barley soup. Those little white pieces of barley are pretty cool looking, even though they don't taste like anything. I think some component of barley goes into making beer. I don't drink but I do remember the commercials...