Our upcoming workshop entitled “Teen Depression” is being held on September 14, 2010 from 6:00- 7:00pm at the Portage office located at 6469 Central Avenue. Attendants of this workshop will learn about the symptoms of teen depression, how to...
Mental Health
Great Links About Sleep, Fixing Sleep Patterns, and What’s Normal
My husband and I recently bought a new bed after deciding that the monstrous headboard, complete with shelves and drawers, was taking over most of our small-to-mid-size bedroom and just not working for us anymore. Also, hopefully in about two weeks,...
Steve Ford, Son of Late President Gerald Ford, to Speak at Mental Health Breakfast
Porter-Starke Services, a leading provider of mental health services in Northwest Indiana for over 35 years, invites you to join us for a mental health and substance abuse breakfast, “Living Health, Balance, & Hope” on Friday, August 27,...
Porter-Starke Opens Their Doors to New Facility
Porter-Starke Services opened their brand new facility to the public on Tuesday, June 22, 2010 for a ribbon cutting ceremony in conjuction with the Portage Chamber of Commerce. Many people came out for the event, and in no time did the front lobby...
Porter-Starke Services Presents “Suicide Prevention and Intervention”
On Tuesday, July 20, Porter-Starke Services will host its Learn @ Lunch series with an informative education lecture entitled, “Suicide Prevention and Intervention” from 11:30- 1:00 PM at Porter-Starke Services, located at 701 Wall Street...
First Practitioner Receives NHSC Loan Repayment in Starke County
Jeff Gatch thought it was too good to be true. The Porter-Starke Services licensed clinical social worker enrolled in the National Health Service Corps Loan Repayment Program (LRP) almost a year ago and thought that would be the last he’d ever hear...
Yoga Tools When Working with Children
Strategies to relax, increase focus, stimulate the brain and calm the mind and body when working with children ages 5 10 12 years old. Seating for this Learn @ Lunch is limited to the first 25 people. Audience Participation (Be Prepared to Stand...
Taking the Struggle Out of Power and Control
At age three, he wouldn’t eat green beans at all, and would only eat carrots if he was rewarded with a popsicle. At ten, he wouldn’t clean his room without a 15-minute bargaining session and six reminders. At 16, he considered you the worst...
Learn @ Lunch “Art Therapy”
Art Therapy is a form of Psychotherapy used in the counseling relationship to promote insight, awareness and healing. Come learn the value of Art Therapy and how it can improve mental health and emotional well-being. Seating is limited for this Learn...
Winter Blues Got You Down?
Those winter “blahs” are more real than you think. There is an inordinate amount of research that indicates that the less natural sunlight one is exposed to may translate into depressive symptoms. In its more severe cases, there is an actual...