Student Voices

In 2014, GreatNews.Life established the Student Voices internship program (formerly #1StudentNWI), allowing high school students to share an insider’s view of everything happening at the high schools on a monthly basis. The GreatNews.Life staff not only edits and publishes their work but also sends feedback to the students to help them grow as journalists.

GreatNews.Life Student Voices: Portage prevails with passion and pride

GreatNews.Life Student Voices: Portage prevails with passion and pride What's recently happened? The Portage Boys Wrestling Team achieved a remarkable victory by being named Regional Champions, scoring a total of 246.5 points over the last weekend of January. Their success earned them a spot to compete in the regionals...

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GreatNews.Life Student Voices: Portage welcomes the season with a Winter Formal

GreatNews.Life Student Voices: Portage welcomes the season with a Winter Formal What's recently happened? As 2025 starts, the new year greets Hoosiers with freezing January weather. While that should be expected from this area, the problems the cold weather causes don’t get old. Cars at risk of failures, limited hot water, and...

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GreatNews.Life Student Voices: Portage High School braves colder days

GreatNews.Life Student Voices: Portage High School braves colder days What’s recently happened? In mid-November, Portage High School was recognized as a Project ADAM Heart Safe School. The school was awarded this after integrating many precautions in the event of an incident. Over the past three years, PTS Director...

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#1StudentNWI: Show stopping students and staff make Portage High School proud

#1StudentNWI: Show stopping students and staff make Portage High School proud What’s recently happened? The Distinguished Young Women (DYW) scholarship program has returned for another year of fun! This program gives female junior students the opportunity to participate in a program that lifts girls up and helps them shine...

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#1StudentNWI: Portage High School has spring and baseball fever

#1StudentNWI: Portage High School has spring and baseball fever What’s recently happened? Portage High School (PHS) has moved into its spring sport season which means it’s almost time for baseball. Boys Baseball preseason workouts have begun, and with new talent comes a new team. This season, a baseball class...

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#1StudentNWI: A night of Wizards and wonderment awaits Portage High School

#1StudentNWI: A night of Wizards and wonderment awaits Portage High School What’s recently happened? Attention all Portage High School (PHS) graduates, it’s time to get your senior ad in the yearbook. Senior ads are great for families to showcase a Class of 2024 graduate and commemorate their hard work eternally in the...

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#1StudentNWI: Portage High School settles in for upcoming second half of the school year

#1StudentNWI: Portage High School settles in for upcoming second half of the school year What’s recently happened? Portage High School (PHS) students have completed their first semester of the school year and are looking forward to jumping into the second semester. For many students, the second semester resets their minds and...

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#1StudentNWI: ‘No Place for Hate,’ holiday music spectacular, and stand-out Portage Indians round out the year

#1StudentNWI: ‘No Place for Hate,’ holiday music spectacular, and stand-out Portage Indians round out the year What’s recently happened? Portage High School (PHS) students and faculty are making it known that their building is no place for hate. The No Place for Hate initiative is in full force at PHS and around the Portage Township Schools (PTS) district...

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#1StudentNWI: Portage scores a slam dunk with Manufacturing 360, the 100th Anniversary of Boys Basketball, Fegely Principal Ann Marie Caballero, and Evelyn Garza

#1StudentNWI: Portage scores a slam dunk with Manufacturing 360, the 100th Anniversary of Boys Basketball, Fegely Principal Ann Marie Caballero, and Evelyn Garza  What’s recently happened? The Portage Economic Development Corporation in collaboration with Portage Township Schools hosted the Manufacturing 360 event with nearly 100 Portage High School (PHS) students. During this event, various training and...

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