
Seminar Details Grant Program and Application Process

nwi-sbdcThe Northwest Indiana Small Business Development Center is partnering with the Purdue Technology Center of Northwest Indiana to outline details of the Small Business Innovation Research program. Grant Funding for Developing Technologies: Learn the Ins and Outs of SBIRs is a first step for business owners interested in obtaining funds to develop and commercialize innovative technology.

WHEN: 9 to 11 a.m. Wednesday Aug. 31
WHERE: Purdue Technology Center of Northwest Indiana, 9800 Connecticut Drive in Crown Point 46307
COST: $25, which includes a light breakfast.
Pre-registration and pre-payment are required.
Click here to register online.

The SBIR program provides competitive grants to businesses conducting research that will lead to commercialized products and services. As part of the process, applicants are required to submit detailed proposals to federal agencies that make the awards based on the proposal’s degree of innovation, technical merit and future market potential.

Businesses that receive awards then begin a three-phase program: