
Shop around with Jake Rozdilsky at Thomas Dodge-Chrysler-Jeep-RAM of Highland

By: Alayna Wilkening Last Updated: May 2, 2024

Jake Rozdilsky is a dedicated Sales Consultant at Thomas Dodge-Chrysler-Jeep-RAM of Highland who has always had a passion for cars. Through the past six years of working with Thomas Dodge, he has been able to blend his sales experience and his love for the automotive industry to become a stellar employee.

Ever since Rozdilsky was young, he has had an intense interest in cars and everything involving them.

“I’ve loved cars since I was a little kid, and I’ve always wanted to learn everything I could about them. I’ve always dove head first into everything I could when it had to do with cars,” Rozdilsky said.

When he drove into the career world, Rozdilsky was in the service industry, where he spent 15 years. He has also been part of the Navy Reserves for the past 12 years. With the mix of these, he has always had great customer service skills and the ability to communicate under his belt.

Rozdilsky started off at another car dealership, but decided that Thomas Dodge was the home for him. After applying, he quickly became acquainted and found his passion for sales.

“I deal with so many people, so I don’t have any favorites. My favorite kind of customers are just the ones who buy cars from me. I like taking care of them. They come back and see me again. I love doing custom orders, but more or less, everyone is the same to me. Whether you’re buying an affordable car or a $100,000 race car, it doesn’t matter to me. I just want to take care of you,” Rozdilsky said.

While every job has it’s challenges, Rozdilsky explains that he hasn’t had to face too many at this job, besides just working in sales in general.

“The only challenge is the dedication that sales takes. You have to be here and present. Whether you’re there or not, you have to be available to people with their ongoing cars or their future purchases. The dedication it takes is a pretty big commitment. You have to remember that buying a car is the second most important purchase someone makes in their life,” Rozdilsky said.

Rozdilsky explains that one of his current favorite cars that you can find at Thomas Dodge-Chrysler-Jeep-RAM of Highland is the 2022 Jeep Grand Cherokee. It’s a car they have available to most people, and that is what makes him like it the most.

In his free time, Rozdilsky enjoys spending time with his family and friends. When he is not doing that, you can find him taking his sport bikes out for a ride or playing his guitar.

If you want to visit Jake or the rest of the team at Thomas Dodge-Chrysler-Jeep-RAM of Highland, they are located at 9604 Indianapolis Boulevard, Highland, or you can visit: https://www.thomascdj.com/searchnew.aspx?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=thomas_cdjr_gbp.