
Nearly 100 community members participate in Portage Township Team Up 2 Clean Up event

By: Portage Township Trustee's Office Last Updated: April 27, 2022

Nearly 100 community members donated their Saturday morning to make their community better.

They all took part in the 12th annual Team Up 2 Clean Up event, sponsored by Portage Township Parks and Portage Township Trustee Brendan Clancy, held Saturday, April 23.

They picked up bottles and papers, softballs and cans and even a child’s wading pool as part of their efforts to spruce up the community. They gathered Dumpster and truck loads full of trash in just two hours as they swept through the community.

Teams were dispatched to Haven Hollow Park, Field of Dreams, Jim Lynch Park and along roadways in the South Haven community.

Volunteer groups included Cub Scout Pack 316, Shirley Heinze Land Trust, Renovation Church, Emmanuel Baptist church, Miller’s Senior Living Community, South Haven Boys and Girls Club and a host of individuals.

"Just the fact that so many people came out speaks volumes for this community," said Trustee Brendan Clancy. "The number of volunteers is just humbling."

Clancy said each of those who came out to volunteer wanted to take ownership of "their own front yard."

Community businesses also supported the efforts. Starbuck's donated coffee for the morning, Strack & Van Til donated cookies; Millers' Senior Living Community donated chips and Save A Lot donated bottles of water.

The park crew treated volunteers to a hot dog roast after their morning of work.