Everything You Need to Know About Whiting’s 2017 Pierogi Fest, July 28-30th!

The countdown has begun!
Coming up at the end of July is the City of Whiting’s annual Pierogi Fest, the pride and joy festival of the city.
The Pierogi family, consisting of Mr. Pierogi, Miss Paczki, Polkahontas, Halupki Guy, The Buscias, and The Pieroguettes welcomes all to the weekend of food, activities, and lots and lots of music!
Bands include The Indigos, Fifty One Lincoln Band, Rosie and the Rivets, Nomad Planets, Save the Princess, Upper U.S. Showband and so much more. There is something for everyone – rock, country, polka music, and alternative. The music and activities last from morning to night, so get ready for non-stop tunes and feet-pounding dancing!Every stage in Whiting will be used, so make sure you check the schedule listed here to catch the right band on the right stage!
Family-fun activities include Buscia’s Cooking Show, dance lessons from Michelle’s Dance Studio and the polka contest, the comical Mr. Pierogi Songtest, and the International Slovak Last Name Spelling Bee. Plus, arrive hungry for the legendary Pierogi Eating Contest on Sunday, following the competitive Pierogi Toss!
And if you come on Friday evening, you cannot miss the Polka Parade where you’ll laugh your head off watching women dressed in housecoats and babushkas, looking like grandmothers. The lawnmower brigade will strut down the street in sandals and socks, and try to grab a wave or autograph from the famous Mr. Pierogi and Ms. Paczki!
Throughout the weekend, vendors at the festival will serve great food and drinks and amazing arts and crafts! Dessert booths, BBQ booths, Mexican Food, Ben’s Soft Pretzels, and of course Pierogis will be stationed along the street, along with many more familiar faces! With all those smells flying around, good luck trying to pick just one!
Craft booths include Lula’s Bath and Bombs, Pretty in Pink Ideas by Mia, Polish Pride, Bada Bling/Dynamic Crystals, and many more! Stop by for candles, jewelry, graphics, and the US Army, all there to talk with and shop!
What goes better with Pierogis than great beer? Miller Lite is the official sponsor of the festival, so you can find that along with a large assortment of craft beers on tap in the beer garden. This year will also offer a wine-o-cheese garden!
The festival is presented each year by the Whiting-Robertsdale Chamber of Commerce, drawing more than 300,000 visitors to the city. The festival honors the heritage of the city, while adding in the fun and jokes!
The managers of the festival are also starting a #BehindTheTents social media initiative to help spotlight small businesses in Whiting! To help highlight the names and faces behind the booths, tag #BehindTheTents and go online to read biographies on each local business. And, once the festival is over, don’t stop honoring those shops! Keep tagging and learning about who runs the local establishments.
Head to the website to see the countdown to one of the biggest festivals in Indiana. Come for the music and dancing, meet the Pierogi clan, and enjoy activities fit for the whole family.
And, come Sunday, your stomach, plates, and pockets will be stuffed full of potato-y goodness.
“We’re really glad you came!”
For more on Pierogi Festival, visit http://www.pierogifest.net/ and follow along on Facebook and Twitter for all the fun!