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Devoted employees share overwhelming sense of pride during Strack & Van Til annual Years of Service Luncheon

Devoted employees share overwhelming sense of pride during Strack & Van Til annual Years of Service Luncheon

When a company takes the time to show some love to its employees, it’s always a heartwarming affair. On Wednesday, April 26, Strack & Van Til celebrated its annual Years of Service Luncheon to honor some of its most committed and hardworking employees. A sense of pride and unity hung in the air as President and CEO Jeff Strack thanked his employees for their loyal years of service.

“It’s really humbling to see so many dedicated managers and associates here celebrating their years of service. It’s really the people that come to work every day at Strack & Van Til that help make our company successful and help establish the culture that has made us become Northwest Indiana’s number one grocer,” said Strack.

Strack & Van Til Years of Service Anniversary Luncheon 2023

Strack & Van Til Years of Service Anniversary Luncheon 2023 42 Photos
Strack & Van Til Years of Service Anniversary Luncheon 2023Strack & Van Til Years of Service Anniversary Luncheon 2023Strack & Van Til Years of Service Anniversary Luncheon 2023Strack & Van Til Years of Service Anniversary Luncheon 2023

Each year at the luncheon, Strack & Van Til recognizes an extraordinary number of employees who have served the company for many years. This year was no exception as 230 employees were honored at the event for their significant years of service ranging anywhere from five to 50 years. By the end of the day, 3,840 years of combined service were celebrated.

The Strack & Van Til honorees had a wonderful time eating a delicious meal, chatting with fellow associates they don’t often get to see, and taking special photos that will be hung in all of Strack & Van Til’s stores so honorees will continue to be recognized even after the end of the celebration.

“I love getting to see the people--they really do enjoy this. They get their pictures taken, they get recognized, and they receive a nice gift. It’s just a lot of fun and a great opportunity to take a little break from the store and have a nice time,” said Derek Kinney, Chief People Officer.

The number of honorees in attendance was truly touching and revealed a lot about the welcoming, family-oriented culture present in each and every Strack & Van Til store. For Terry Thompson, an assistant manager celebrating his 45th year at the company, Strack & Van Til has become more than just a job--it’s become an integral part of his life.

Thompson started working as a bagger at Strack & Van Til during high school. Since then he’s done everything from managing one of the warehouses to managing a brand-new store. Between meeting his wife at Strack & Van Til, forming countless friendships, and even working with his own children at the company, Strack & Van Til is his second home.

“I’ve been here for so many years--all I’ve ever known is Strack & Van Til. I’ve made a lot of memories here and have had the pleasure of making all kinds of friendships here over the years. There’s been a lot of good times, and it’s a real treat to work for such a great company and see it continue to thrive through everything that’s happened,” said Thompson.

The luncheon was ultimately a great way to give back to loyal employees like Thompson and thank them for being such an essential part of the Strack & Van Til family.

“We really appreciate all the work that they’ve done for us. Sometimes we get so busy in our day-to-day lives that we aren't slow enough to recognize all the efforts they give every day when they come to work and take care of our customers. I want everyone to leave here today knowing that we appreciate them and value everything they do for the company,” said Strack.

Martha Chavez, an assistant manager celebrating her 40th year at Strack & Van Til, had to fight back tears. She was so grateful for the recognition and was touched by how much Strack & Van Til has cared for her over the years.

“It’s so sweet that they do this. I never thought that I’d be in the grocery business for 40 years, but they’ve been so wonderful--it’s an awesome job. I’ve had so much fun and learned so much and met so many awesome people. It’s been a fantastic 40 years,” said Chavez.

This year’s Years of Service Luncheon was another remarkable one for the books. Everyone was proud to be in a room filled with such driven and devoted team members, and the amount of camaraderie came as no surprise. Next year’s event is sure to be even greater.

“They’re really an awesome group of associates. I’m very proud and humbled to work with such a great group of people,” said Kinney.

To learn more about Strack & Van Til and how it honors its employees, visit strackandvantil.com.