In East Chicago’s Harbor Area sits the “old” Katherine House. Still holding a regal presence, it sits squarely across the street of its current home, the East Chicago Katherine House Boys & Girls Club. The Katherine House, as it was known,...
Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Northwest Indiana Soar in Sold Out Inaugural Night of Flight
Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Northwest Indiana has proved its ambitious outreach to its members, sponsors, and supporters by providing them with opportunities that reflect its mission and by thinking outside the box. Night of Flight, a...
Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Northwest Indiana Offers Summer Baseball League and Receives Lots of Support
Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Northwest Indiana’s John Will Anderson Club in Gary discovered the love for baseball is alive and well in Northwest Indiana! Prior to the start of summer programming, Home Field Advantage Foundation partnered with...
Everything “Odd” About the New Duneland Club’s Tween Center Makeover
When the decision was made to build a new Duneland Boys & Girls Club in Chesterton, the goal was to provide a fun and safe after-school and summer facility for more kids to attend. Since opening the Club’s “new doors” in April 2017,...
Texas Corral Restaurant’s 5th Annual Car Show and Family Fun Night Benefits Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Northwest Indiana’s South Haven Club
For a 5th Year, Texas Corral Restaurant hosted a Car Show and Family Fun Night to give local families an outlet to have fun and spend time with each other while supporting a local organization. The Car Show and Family Fun Night is an annual...
Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Northwest Indiana’s Lake Station Club Earns ‘Painting A Brighter Future’ Grant from Cedar Lake True Value
As students across Northwest Indiana prepare for the new school year, Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Northwest Indiana’s Lake Station Club is receiving a fresh coat of paint in their gymnasium thanks to a partnership with Cedar Lake True Value....
No Tackles, No Helmets, No Kneepads, but Plenty of Fun and Camaraderie as Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Northwestern Indiana Host Seventh Annual Flag Football League
Flags flew and smiles were in full display as Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Northwest Indiana held their final game of this season’s flag football league at Valparaiso High School this weekend. With a rich history going all the way back to...
Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Northwest Indiana’s – Duneland Club Offering Volleyball League
It is time to get ready to BUMP, SET, and SPIKE for Duneland Boys & Girls Club’s 2018 Volleyball League! League registration begins July 23 and is open to all girls and boys from grades 3rd through 8th. The Club’s Volleyball League season...
Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Northwest Indiana Host 38th Annual Golf Outing at Forest Park
On Thursday, community members gathered at Forest Park Golf Course in Valparaiso for a round of golf to support Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Northwest Indiana. A total of 196 players of all ability levels climbed into carts and headed out for...
Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Northwest Indiana’s New Duneland Club Nets Recognition
President and CEO of Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Northwest Indiana, Ryan Smiley, recently accepted Boys & Girls Clubs of America’s prestigious Merit Award for Program Excellence in Best Overall Club Participation and Regular Attendance....