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Free virtual seminar to provide facts about vaping and addiction

Free virtual seminar to provide facts about vaping and addiction

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In the interest of respiratory health and social distancing needs during the COVID-19 pandemic, Franciscan Health is offering a free virtual seminar on “The Effects of Vaping and Addiction” from 6 to 7PM CST on Tuesday, Aug. 18.

Known by different names – e-cigs, mods, vape pens and the USB flash drive-shaped JUUL – are all forms of e-cigarettes and are part of the vaping epidemic. No matter how it’s delivered, nicotine is harmful. According to the American Lung Association, quitting smoking and vaping can help protect individuals from the most serious symptoms of COVID-19. The Centers for Disease Control has identified smokers as a group at higher risk for severe illness if they contract the disease.

The online seminar will include valuable information about lung disease and the effects of vaping and tobacco use, including:

• Health risks associated with the harmful chemicals and cancer-causing agents found in e-cigarettes

• Addiction risks associated with e-cigarette use

• Vaping effects on those nearby inhaling the e-cigarette aerosol

• Other injuries, such as explosion, associated with e-cigarettes

• Health complications associated with vaping during the COVID-19 pandemic

• Support for quitting tobacco and vaping

Presenting the virtual seminar will be Cindy Cunningham, respiratory therapist at Franciscan Health Lafayette, with special guest Faisal Khan, MD, Interventional Pulmonology Clinic medical director at Franciscan Health Indianapolis.

While this virtual seminar is free, registration is required by Aug. 17 and can be done online by visiting FranciscanHealth.org/Events.

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