Event Information
Portage Event Partnership (PEP), partnering with the Portage Kiwanis, will also host Mistletoe on Main, the City's Celebration of Christmas on Saturday, Dec. 2.
The Portage Kiwanis is organizing the Santa's Parade of Toys to benefit Toys for Tots beginning at 4:30 p.m. PEP will host the light of the Christmas tree following the parade at Founders Plaza, adjacent to the Portage Police Station. Entertainment, treats and a small market are planned.
Residents, organizations and businesses are invited to become involved in PEP this year as the committee works to expand and grow the events. The committee meets at 4 p.m., the second Thursday of each month in the downstairs conference room at City Hall, 6070 Central Ave.
For more information, contact Norma Laboy at 219-764-5741 or nlaboy@portage-in.com