Sheriff David Reynolds would like the citizens of Porter County to know that the Sheriff's Office lobby is open for use 24/7 for child custody exchanges or any type of transactions between strangers. If you are buying or selling on Craigslist or any...
Porter County Sheriff's Department
Officer Famus and Graf Sworn in to Sheriff’s Department
On 8-2-12, Sheriff David Lain swore in two new officers to bring the Sheriff’s Department back up to being fully staffed. Sheriff David Lain swore in Officer Thomas Ramus and Officer Nathan Graf, whose families were present during the ceremony....
9 Year Old Receives Special Birthday Gift
Aidan Carter received a special gift for his 9th birthday- a tour of the Porter County Sheriff's Department. Very interested in the police profession, this was a dream come true for Aidan, as he was born with neurofibromatosis, a genetic disorder of...
Visit the Porter County Sheriff’s Department at the Fair!
Stop by the Porter County Sheriff's Department's tent during the 2011 Porter County Fair, as the officers will be hosting a special event each day! Friday, July 22- Porter County Drunk Driving Task Force magnet giveaway and drunk goggle...
Porter County Sheriff’s Department Hosting Prescription Meds Dropoff
The Porter County Sheriff's Department will host a prescription medication dropoff held this Saturday April 30th from 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM at the Porter County Sheriff's Dept. and also at the North Office in South Haven. Citizens are encouraged to drop...
Porter County Sheriff’s Department Holding Prescription Drop-Off
On April 30, 2011 the Porter County Sheriff’s Department will be holding a prescription medication drop off from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Residents of Porter County can drop off their old or unused medication at either the Porter County Sheriff’s...
Officer Reeder Nominated for Heroic Bravery
Officer Justin Reeder has been nominated to be an All Star for America’s Most Wanted. Officer Reeder was nominated by a Porter County resident for his heroic bravery in helping a man and his dog out of their burning house. Please show your support...
Porter County Sheriff’s Department New Appointments
Porter County Sheriff David Lain held a press conference February 7, 2011, to announce the retirement of Chief Deputy Doug Snider, and also to announce new administrative appointments. Sheriff Lain announced that his new Chief Deputy will be Steve...
Chief Doug Snider Retirement, New Administration Appointments
Porter County Sheriff David Lain will be holding a press conference on Monday February 7th at 1:00 PM in the Sheriff’s Dept. Training Room in regards to administrative staff changes and the retirement of Chief Doug Snider. Chief Doug Snider will be...
State of Emergency Declared in Porter County
The Porter County Commissioners have declared a State of Emergency for Porter County, IN until further notice. With this declaration from the Commissioners, the Porter County Sheriff's Department has activated their Emergency Snow Plan. The Emergency...